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The Heiress

A play by Ruth & Augustus Goetz, based on Washington Square by Henry James.
Directed by Meredith Dooley

Auditions: Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 April 2025
Callbacks: Monday 7 April 2025
Rehearsals: April 2025 - 17 June 2025
Performance Dates: Wednesday 18 June - Saturday 28 June 2025
Packout: Sunday 29 June 2025

1840s Manhattan, New York. Catherine Sloper is the shy, awkward heiress to a vast fortune. She attracts the attention of Morris Townsend, a handsome, ambitious yet penniless young man. While Catherine's romantically inclined aunt promotes his advances, her father, a cynical, widowed physician, is convinced Morris’ motives are purely mercenary and threatens to disinherit her.

Auditions will be on Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 April, with callbacks the evening of Monday 7 April at Toi Poneke Arts Centre, 61/69 Abel Smith Street, Te Aro, Wellington, in 45-minute slots and in small groups. Note that Daylight Saving ends that weekend, so put your clocks back before Sunday auditions!

To book an audition slot please complete The Heiress audition form or, if you have questions about the production, please contact

The script
You will be sent audition pieces/sides in advance, but we won’t be sending the full script out electronically.  A few copies are available at Toi Whakaari’s Nola Millar Library - only members can take books out but you can read them on site. A film was made in 1949 but note that the style is much more melodramatic than I am aiming for with this production.

Will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, starting Sun 13 April, with more added closer to the run. Easter, ANZAC, and King's Birthday holidays fall within the rehearsal period, and we might not be able to work around non-availability. Matariki weekend falls during the run.

We are not anticipating any major access issues, but female characters will be wearing ‘stays’ (corsets) and boned dresses with full skirts, so movement will be affected by those.

There is some intimacy between Catherine and Morris. We will have an intimacy choreographer.


Catherine Sloper (large role) early 20s

Catherine is described by other characters as being ‘gentle and good’ but also ‘not attractive’ and ‘an entirely mediocre creature with not a shred of poise’. You will need to be prepared to hear words like that every night! Catherine has moments of intimacy (kissing) with Morris.

Dr Austin Sloper (large role) 50s

Catherine’s father, a widower whose wife died when Catherine was born. ‘Pleasant in manner’, he can also be intolerant and doesn’t suffer fools. He loves his daughter but is disappointed that she has not lived up to his memories of ‘her mother, who was such a pleasure to look at and be with’.

Lavinia Penniman (large role) late 40s-60s

Austin’s sister and Catherine’s aunt. The widow of a small-town pastor, outgoing, romantic, a bit excitable and gullible, she tries to live vicariously through Catherine in the play and believes Morris’ intentions are genuine.

Morris Townsend (large role) 30

Catherine’s suitor. A bit of a mystery man, Morris has ‘a handsome face and figure and a very good manner’ but no money or job. His interest in Catherine arouses suspicion in her father and others. Is he in love with Catherine, honest and trustworthy, or selfish and mercenary - or somehow both? Morris has moments of intimacy (kissing) with Catherine.

Elizabeth Almond (small-med role) late 40s-60s

Austin and Lavinia’s sister, Marian’s mother. Intelligent, down to earth, Austin’s equal as siblings. Cares for and feels sorry for Catherine. Appears in two scenes.

Marian Almond (small-med role) 17 years old

Newly engaged to Arthur Townsend. Pretty, outgoing, self-centred and a bit spoiled, she loves her cousin Catherine but thinks herself better than her. Appears in two scenes.

Maria (small-ish role) any age but most likely 20s-30s

The Slopers’ maid, she has been with them long enough to be comfortable in the house, and in her relationship with them. Friendly, hardworking, discreet. Although a small role, she appears in almost every scene, so this actor will need to be available for most rehearsals from the beginning.

Arthur Townsend (small role) 20s

Marian’s fiance, Morris’ cousin. Solid, genial, reliable, unremarkable. Adores Marian. Appears only in the first scene but might also be the voice of the Coachman near the end of the play.

Mrs Montgomery (small but important role) 30s-40s

Morris’ sister. A widow with five children, living in a poorer part of town, who raised Morris as one of her own after their parents died. She is intelligent and honest, loyal to Morris but perhaps doesn’t know him as well as she thought. Appears in one key scene.

Book an audition

Audition are now open!

To book an audition slot please complete The Heiress audition form or, if you have questions about the production, please contact